While I spoke to my parents for several more hours, I patiently explained to them all the positives and negatives that would happen if they moved to Olympus, and we discussed their living and working conditions.
Since I have a lot of authority in Olympus, I can definitely do some things to help my parents. While my impression of the Olympians was very good, I am very worried about my family.
While I thought my mom was beautiful, everyone thought his mom was beautiful, and I don't think the Olympians would leave beautiful goddesses and be attracted to my annoying mom, but I think my dad would love the company of the goddesses very much there.
So, I'm going to get them to live with the Centaurs, not only do they have a culture similar to Asgard, but my father will be far from the sources of indecency, and I will also make gods like Eirene, Asclepius, and Aglaia befriend my parents.
They can both also resume their training and work as pharmacists, and due to the wide variety in Olympus, I doubt they will be bored anytime soon, as they will have to look after my little brother for the next few years.
While this may not be the best solution, at least I shouldn't have to keep worrying about them, while there is a good chance that nothing will happen to them in Asgard, it became difficult for me to feel safe in Asgard after what happened to me, in addition to that, this is a temporary solution.
However, after only a few days, they made all their preparations and gathered all their belongings, and I transported them to Olympus where I already took care of everything.
Odin was seated on his throne, while relaxing comfortably, doing nothing but contemplating the walls of the Golden Hall.
While one might think that he stays in this state all day long, it would be wrong, as he still makes the actors perform plays for him, and he watches and observe his children, while he rehearses for several hours a day, and listens to the requests of some civilians.
Well, he listens to them, he does not fulfill them, for example, how in the hell would he be able to fulfill the request of that Asgardian that wanted him to make his son gifted in swordsmanship?
While he loves the fact that his people believe he is omnipotent, he couldn't help but think that the people of Asgard can be unrealistic at times.
In the previous weeks, His Vault was broken into and The Tablet of Life & Time was stolen, but since he uncovered no clues and it seemed that the guards were lost consciousness, he covered this up so that the citizens did not feel that Asgard's security was weak.
Also, The tablet of life & time wasn't really important, even if he was telling others that it gives omnipotence and immortality, however, the biochemical serum formula in it was fragmentary and incomplete.
For example, the section on unlocking the full evolutionary potentials raised all of his biological capabilities including strength, speed, reflexes, and healing factor to the peak of normal Asgardian, and this is due to the fact that gods are not truly biological beings, in addition to their small number and The lack experiences of their ancestors.
While the part about immortality granted his daughter Hela, a really strong immortality, it made her unable to use her divine abilities without an Aid of an artifact, and the traits of immortality interacted with the trait of the divinity of death, which strengthened the divinity of Hela, but turned half of her body into rotten flesh.
Since the thief wants something defective like this, he can get it, and Odin has coded and put several safety devices on the board, one mistake and it will be destroyed.
As he contemplated this, a familiar Asgardian entered the throne room, Valli Trigevson, which made Odin a little upset.
Several months ago, this person contacted Olympus and suggested that they form a 'diplomatic' relationship with Asgard, which made Odin angry because he could not remember granting Valli such authority.
But what angered him even more was the fact that Valli dared to talk back to him, and while his reasons were reasonable, logical, and even helpful to Asgard, Valli was very young, only 100 years old, but he really dared to stand against his words.
At first he just wanted to make Valli realize where is his place, but while Valli didn't let his anger explode, Odin noticed that anger, so he decided to punish Valli.
However, he thought a little about Valli's words and decided that it really was not bad, while he never liked Olympus, but he could not let his pride stand in the way of all his decisions, but giving credit to Valli would make this Asgardian more arrogant and prideful, so he decided that He should take this credit for himself.
Impressively, Valli made his way from Niflheim to Asgard in just 29 days. Odin never wondered how he managed to do this, and decided to let it pass because Valli had returned a Valkyrie's body.
After all, while his daughter is a maniac that only cares about strength and spreading death, it's impossible not to want something, right? Perhaps Valli gave her something in exchange for letting him pass.
But then, Valli began to use magic to prevent Bifrost's observation spell, but since Valli had a magic divinity, Odin thought that Valli had invented this magic, so he didn't think this was strange.
But on the day Odin announced that Valli would be the diplomat between Asgard and Olympus, he didn't thank him, instead he had sex with his adopted daughter! That should be a virgin! What angered him was that he did not marry her!
Odin really wants to punish him, turn him into a human and bring him down in Niflheim where he will not be able to get out because he is human, and also to punish Brynhildr because she still has a relationship with Valli! But if he did, the reputation of the royal family would be defamed , so he decided to keep his silence and watch Valli carefully.
Today, Valli has moved his family to Olympus, Odin realizes this, and it looks like Valli is here to provoke his anger again.
"Stop!" said Odin, not letting Vale turn away from the door or speak. "Trigev, Helga, and the newborn Eric were all sent to Olympus as a diplomatic experiment, you can leave,"
As Valli turned to leave, Odin noticed a smile on his face that made him even more upset.