It was already the year 990 AD, and I was now in a 'secret' room in the basement of my mansion, and the room was full of computers and technical devices that seemed to be from the twenty-first century.
There was also a containment and gas release device in the middle of the room, similar to the one Captain America got into when he was about to take Super Soldier's serum.
While the normal computing power of these computers was similar to the computing power of most computers in the 21st century, I enhanced them with magic, which doubled the speed, accuracy, storage, diligence, and IQ of these computers.
The batteries, CPU, RAM, ROM and all other bits are all made from a combination of technology and magic.
While they are neither supercomputer nor AI, they are still better than most of what was in my previous life, and they are an extra help and less work for my brain.
You can't blame me, I achieved this in just 10 years, while humans took thousands of years, maybe i have magic and reason, but humans live shorter and have a competitive society, they can benefit from the mistakes of their ancestors and compete with each other to make Better things? wait, that's what happened.
Since I was a young programmer in my previous life, it was not difficult to remember my past experiences, operating system programming, system software, application program, and monopoly program.
And since I had a technology monopoly here, there was no reason to create the Internet yet, so all of my computers were designed for analysis, computing, computation, and theoretical simulation.
This decade was tiring for me, I could not focus on one topic and then take advantage of the mistakes of my predecessors on this topic in order to progress while another person does the same thing on another topic, I have had to reduce the work of long generations of millions of people to dozens of topics Different in just 10 years, and this was exhausting physically, mentally and financially as well! But I could have reached the level of technological advancement of the 21st century, so this is an achievement, right?
Another thing I did was study the biochemical serum formula and try to fix, compile and complete it, and it took the same effort and time as re-creating the technology, the only difference being that I had spent several hundreds of thousands of gold coins by the time I finished!
The method I used was easy, which was to study each part of the formula and fix it individually, the part I started with was the part about unlocking the user's full evolutionary potential.
I studied its constituent materials and how they interact with each other, and replace unstable or badly interacting materials with other stable materials that have the same effects, but are more stable.
I started experimenting with this part in animals such as rats, mice and monkeys from Midgard, and every time there are unwanted or negative effects, I try other combinations of materials.
While it was expensive, this part was the easiest to fix, and I ended up with a very satisfactory result.
This part of the formula can also do several improvements and changes to the user, one of which is to reach the ultimate goal of life on Earth, the genetic perfection makeup of the DNA of the current species.
And to raise both the density of the internal and external organs and the biological system while the cells are pumped more robust, and to maximize and increase the efficiency of the cellular and chemical processes of the body.
It also activates genetic evolution, which puts the user in a state of continuous mutation that lasts for several days or weeks, where the creature can evolve continuously according to its new experiences, and it is not impossible to evolve into a more complex living form, but this feature only temporarily and I have worked on Weakening it.
And if the creature's DNA had sufficient genetic and evolutionary capabilities and parameters it would be possible to move to the end of the evolution of this species immediately, I removed this feature.
When a chimpanzee turned into an intelligent, blue gorilla-like creature, the first thing I did was kill it because I didn't want the Planet of the Apes to rise in Asgard.
The part related to immortality was more complex and difficult, as the serum shuts down the user's biological clock when it reaches its peak, and while it gives him great cellular reproduction capacity.
However, the omnipotence immortality in the name came from the fact that the serum creates a field of energy that covers all of the body's molecules at the subatomic level, which means that even if Beerus uses Hakai, the serum user can still regenerate.
At least, this is the final result I got, the previous versions of this part were not successful, one of the monkeys turned his body into a rotting corpse while he continued to live, another monkey became a creature of pure energy that dispersed after 5 minutes.
And let's not talk about that mouse that appears like they been injected with the G virus ...
I also made a way to get rid of this energy field, not because I don't want it but in order to kill the animals that I've been tested on because I don't want to let immortal creatures roam around and mate.
While integrating the parts wasn't easy, it wasn't too difficult, and I finally got the complete biochemical serum formula.
Of course, I didn't use it right away and tried it on Homunculi because I needed a greater understanding of the results of the serum on sophisticated and complex species before introducing it into my body.
While some may consider this to be immoral because Homunculi are intelligent beings, and while I am uncomfortable about this, I am their creator, and they also have no sense of self or knowledge unless the Creator gives that to them, so I think it is justified that I use them from In order to keep me safe.
All of them died with one exception, the reason for their death was not because of a mistake in the serum that I made, but because of their weak will, the survivor showed perfect results, so I removed the energy field and destroyed every cell in his body.
Another thing that I did in previous years was strengthening my connection with Niflheim, and while I was not yet a master of the realm, I could benefit from more Niflheim power, and I also started to learn and create magic about space and time.
For example, the magic of transmission, while the divine energy does not use any principle behind the teleportation, yet the magic of spatial transmission follows the concept of the four dimensions, and it moves the body of the user or any person on whom the spell is used through the fourth dimension and exits it immediately elsewhere.
The three dimensions are length, width and height, the fourth dimension is time, so congratulations, Jean le Rond d'Alembert's, you were right!
And teleportation portals operate on the concept of wormholes, only on a much smaller scale.
Loki also turned into an adult and I told him to stop asking me to teach him more magic, he can learn on his own now, there is something called the library, but I didn't cut my relationship with him because he's still my former student.
I adjusted the amount of serum that I would receive and let the computers do the other things after turning on the capsule that opened immediately, as if telling me to go in.
I entered the capsule and left pillows, safety cuffs, and chaining surrounding my body while I suppressed the last atom of frequency in my heart while the capsule was closed with a small red light lamp.
"Computer, start the gas injection," I said as the red light turned green.
"The liquid serum turned into a gaseous state and the automatic injection started ... 3% .... 20% ..." The mechanical sound of the primitive computer program was heard as white gas began to cover my field of vision.
As soon as the gas was inhaled, my world was filled with pain, as if I was a mouse trampled upon by the weight of a skyscraper but still alive for some reason, I screamed so hard as I had never screamed before that my vocal cords started hurting, and I could not continue screaming while I felt and It was as if my lungs were burning and my blood boiling, while I felt my cells, my biological system, and my muscles being moved and reconfigured as they consumed the chemicals.
I did not pay attention to anything but myself and the pain, and I tried with all my remaining mental energy to resist the pain and hedge to some calm, there when I 'saw' her.
My vision was red due to blood and blood vessels, and while it looked like a shadow of red color, I could feel the cold and lonely feeling coming from her and from the hand that was touching my soul.
When she did this, there was a feeling of relief. I can give up now and save myself from the pain that I am suffering now and which I suffer from in the future ..... It is not worth it anyway .... My astral body is slowly coming out of my physical body.
No! I thought while I resisted her deadly touch with all my willpower, refusing to let my soul separate from my body!
Keep your dirty hand away from me! As I relied on my feeling as a soul to cling to the remaining bond with my body, I thought, as I returned to nothing but a world of pain.
I quickly opened my eyes and easily destroyed the handcuffs that were bound to me and was about to destroy the pod before I realized the capsule was open. The gas injection was already over while I was in my pain and resisting the tempting offer of death.
"Computer, how long did the operation take?" I said while I breathed.
"1 hour 06 minutes 45 seconds" I was answered with the mechanical voice again.
"Huh," I said as I closed my eyes, feeling tired.