This is Me Breaking Up with You (Part 1)

The boys each had controllers in their hands. The basement reeks of pot and sweaty teenagers. The girls sit on the sofa, the boys knell on the floor between the TV and the sofa. Violet was the only person without a game controller or a phone in their hand.

The other ladies didn't speak to Violet. They just text among themselves, ignoring Violet, like she wasn't even there. Boys night was every night these days and she hadn't been taken on a date in over two months. Last night and tonight were the only nights this week she didn't have to sleep for school and he wasted last night doing more of the same.

Tee won, bashing his friends face in, playing Mortal Kombat, again. After, he goes and packs another bong to rip. Violet had had enough. She is tired of taking the back burner to all of Tee's friends, video games, & dank nugs.

Violet just wants to be alone with Tee, but he isn't interested in that at the moment. She aches. As a woman, she has desires that were not being met. Violet excuses herself to use the restroom and got up with her bag. She went upstairs and uses the lavatory. After, she leaves. No goodbyes. No, passing go. No collecting $200. Just disappointment.

This time of year has wicked storms roll through Philly. The typical summer 15 minute long flash storms are still happening as late as October. The weather is still, oddly nice this time of year, and the temperature was in the 80's. This is just the kind of thing that happens on warm days, when you live in a city, situated between two rivers. The wind picks up and carries a mist which was warm as it hit her whole body. Her eyes roll as she figures out she is going to be getting wet. "Time to pick up the pace." She says out loud, to herself.

Violet wishes she hadn't left her car at home. She shouldn't have gotten a ride with Tee. She wouldn't have, if she knew this was the kind of treatment she would receive from him and these dark, gathering, clouds. Just then, the crackle of lightning crashes a few blocks away. Within seconds, the sky opens up, and the rain falls. This was Tee's fault too.

She felt extra frustration being hungry as well as horny, but now, at least the rain was kind enough to give her camouflage for her tears to flow. She just couldn't hold them back anymore, including the screams she let out, with each lightning strike and roll of thunder. "How could this get any worse?" She asks out loud as the wind strikes up as well, this time the breeze was cold. Violet's nipples grew hard under the wet t-shirt she was wearing. "Of course this was the one day she had worn a white t-shirt in months." she says, crossing her arms over her breasts as she continues her long jog home.

"She had to ask! Thankfully, she was fit and able to keep moving at a quick and steady pace." The stamina she had developed as a cheerleader in high school was all she had left to keep going with this feeling of being so emotionally distraught about breaking up with Tee, and being trapped out in this brutal natural violence. There is already an inch of water on the ground, making Violet's feet wet with every step.

As she covers another block, she remembers she has Rachel to hang out with this weekend. Except for that, it felt like all the fun was being sucked from her life. She is tired of caring about so much and feeling like so little cares for her.

In another block, all her fuck's to give, run out. She stops caring about it all. Tee. Her phone. Her grades. That it was now 15 degrees colder than it was 10 minutes ago, which created her new found ability to win a wet t-shirt contest. The weight of everything broke, her, but in a strangely good way. It was less that she was broken, than it felt as if the straps, holding the bags filled with rocks, finally snapped, and the rocks fell to the ground beside her. As she continues to walk away from them, all her problems, all her fears, even of being struck by lightning, finally pass through her. In the wake of that fear passing, all that was left, was her. Only Violet, herself, remains.

Upon reaching this new attitude, synchronicity strikes again. The rain ends and a rainbow appears in the sky above her. It made her shitty day, almost worth it. It made the fact that the rain finally ends, less than a block away from home, worth the hassle of the last half hour of her life.