Like Lovers Do (Part 2)

Violet stood before Nick, twisting her waist back and forth so her dress twirls around her thighs. Her left arm was stretching out to him, her hand is palm up. "You said something about rainbows?"

Nick's desires could not have been more obvious. He was looking up at her, like he would follow her anywhere. He reaches out his hand and takes hers. Violet takes a step back and he stands up, with no effort from her. She was just being silly, as he was just playing along.

Nick turns off the recording. He wants to take her right here. He had a feeling she would have let him, and she would have. Violet is surprised by how attractive he actually is. She never moved so quickly with someone before, but then, that is what she was here for, wasn't it? She still didn't expect it, yet enjoys how she is feeling, the excitement, the anticipation.

Nick leads Violet out of the office and down the hall to the editing room, and opens it. Inside is Steve, making sure everything is set and ready to go. It is. Violet exchanges pleasantries with Steve, and Nick escorts her further down the hall.

"Are you OK to go?" Nick asks with genuine concern for her well being. She didn't know it, but he would have paid her for the day if she wanted to leave at that moment. She wants to stay, "Yes." Violet says, and opens the door.

As she steps inside, it's brightness and beauty is overwhelming on many levels. The rainbows floods across the white Egyptian cotton, which drapes the bed. The colors flow in many directions, from the outside windows and off of the mirrors. "It's so pretty! I feel like I'm Trip'n."

"No, you're beautiful." He had misunderstood her. He thought she asked if she was pretty. Violet smiles when she hears his mistake and the sincerity of the feelings behind his words. She acts bashful, but was enjoying his attention. Nick adds, "OK, so after you do whatever you want to do to take off your cloths, like dance or roll around on the bed, feel free to begin. Then, if, you wish me to join, give a calling motion or come hither hand gesture."

Violet nods. Being as excited as she is, she pushes him out of the room, just to get him back sooner. She closes the door. The simultaneous and silent hum of 24 cameras begins. Nick is soon watching her with Steve.

Violet walks around the room, on the screen, she eventually wanders to the window and places her hand on it to feel the large decal that creates the rainbow effect. Her hand motion creates a commotion in the colors around the room from her shadow. The effect is almost like the shadow of rustling leaves, but prismatic and vibrant. Eventually she moves back towards the bed.

Taking off her jacket and shoes in seconds, made her height shorter, but nonetheless, she was still attractive. Violet stood there. The vibrant swaths of light show across her white dress as she climbs onto the bed.

Climbing up onto and kneeling on the bed, in the center, went quickly, Violet got right into it. She lifts her dress above her head and off her body, revealing her light pink panties as well as her white and pink care bear t-shirt. The pink was difficult to see as the rainbows ran all across the few clothes she had on and her pale skin which was what she hoped for, when she chose them.

Nick saw her as the most glorious being he has ever seen. As she drops the sundress to the floor, she kneels on all fours, and bounces on the bed, feeling its fluff and softness. She lays back and sprawls out across the silky sheets as the rainbow colors caress her entire body. "You want to roll that tongue back into your head?" Steve jokes, looking at Nick.

"No, not really." Nick admits. "She's so brazen." This was the first time he ever used that word as a positive descriptor.

Laying back, Violet has her legs together, and raises them ever so slowly, feet into the air. She lets the dazzling lights curl around them. The shadow of her legs worked out in the same way below, as they did above.

She uses her thumbs on either side of her panties and slides them down her thighs, past her knees and over her calves. They fall off her toes onto the bed.

Violet, with care and strength, ever so slowly, spreads her legs apart; revealing her pubic mound, and tuft of thin auburn hair. When her legs were as far out as the men in the editing room thought they could go, she rolls onto them, into a split. Once there, she grabs the bottom of her shirt, and raises her arms, taking the shirt off of her torso and breasts, then up over her head. Once off, the rainbows coat her naked body.

Violet, while still holding her split, beckons to the wall of cameras, in the direction of the editing room. The curling, finger bending from him to her, pointed the way.

Quicker than he had ever moved before in this process, Nick was out of the control room and down the hall. As he enters, Violet reaches out to the covers, and pulls the sheet up over herself. Even with her pale skin, the difference from the light was bright on Nick's eyes. He squints, as he steps to the bed.

Violet, with the silky Egyptian cotton sheet around her, sat up on her knees. Her tiny tight bottom is enveloped in rainbows, along with her back and the back of her legs. Her lips are just over a foot away from Nick's, so she reaches out for him, and grabs his tie. With as much strength as she can apply, which was a little more than Nick expects, Violet pulls him towards her. He catches himself like a fully extended pushup on the bed, but his hand slides from the sheen of the Egyptian cotton. Their lips collide, as Nick loses his footing and falls upon her. With the sheet and his clothes still between them, they mimic the missionary position. Violet's legs wrap around his hips, drawing him in tighter. They kiss with passion. Her fingers travel to the lapels of his coat, so as to remove it. When off, it falls to the floor, sliding off the sheer bed sheets, from its own weight.

Violet could feel his erect manhood through his pants, rubbing against her clitoris under the smooth sheets. He lays back and she begins unbuttoning his shirt. After the first two, she grabs the shirt and rips it open the rest of the way. The buttons go flying across the room, as the look of shock comes across his face. He'd be mad about his new shirt, later, now he was too busy kissing her. He kisses her neck and then her shoulders. She leans into it as she appreciates the roughness of his neatly trimmed beard and mustache, as much as the manly kisses.

As he knells onto the bed, it slides the satiny sheet down her body, exposing her perky breasts and slightly puffy, erect nipples. She leans back and is flooded in color until he covers her, by licking and sucking on her supple breasts. As she wraps her legs around him, the sheet falls away from her body in every way. He covers her torso in kisses. Then her hips, as well.

It was less foreplay, than it was, worship.

Nick continues to worship her body with kisses until he reaches her pubic region. He could smell the artificial strawberry shampoo which was still attached to the soft auburn hair between her legs. He then looks up the length of her body, into her eyes. Nick sought Violet's consent one last time.

Violet returns his gaze with approval in her eyes and nods. She is enjoying the prickliness of his beard on her belly as he is kissing his way down her body. She is eager to have him, a man, with years of experience, licking her.

With a tiny hip wiggle and look, down her body into his eyes, she gives him the go ahead, to give her head.

All too happy to oblige, he lowers his face to her lower lips. He sticks his tongue out, directly against her perineum, as she spreads her legs, wide. From there, he licks up her vaginal opening, slowly, caressing her clitoris with his tongue, until he hits that tiny nub at the top of her clit. Once there, Nick presses against it, hard, and his tongue flicks off.

Looking up at her eyes from that position was a glorious sight. She was on her elbows, looking down at him into his eyes, as the rainbows danced across her belly and breasts. Her breathing becomes irregular. Nick is continuing the same movements of tongue, from bottom to top, with a press at the top, that flicks off the nub. Again and again. She keeps holding her breath, each time he hits the top of her clitoris.

"This is sooooo relaxing." Violet says out loud as she lays back into the pillows. Her hands reach for his. They lock together with intermingling fingers. "Uh!" She releases, as he hit it again. "Uhh!" Then came out, with the next. "UH!" She releases, with the next. "UHh!" Came from the next. Every time he hits it, she gets louder, each "Uhhh", becomes longer.

After a few minutes of this, Violet's body is writhing from the pleasure. Her verbalization's were not in English, just "ooh's" "Ungh's" and other kinds of various expressions of nearing joy. Nick could feel the grip of her hands, tightening.

He stops the full length licking of her vagina and concentrates on just the little nub. He applies all his efforts and all the pressure he could muster from his now weakening tongue. Yet, he keeps licking, and licking, and licking, as her hands just got tighter and tighter on his grip.

Finally, the release hits. Violet's eyes roll into the back of her head as she exhales what sounds like a song to Nick's, now, tightly covered ears. Her hips drop back to the bed, as he looks to her face, her eyes open. She couldn't believe how much pleasure she just experienced. The shock was written all over her face. "Oh my, you dirty old man, you. Uhhh, that was nice." She rolls over. Her bare back and bottom is coated in rainbows, as she melts into the bed with relaxation.