44. If the Saber Is Not Unsheathed, It Will Kill the Heart!

Eunuch Mei and Sir Bi were toasting each other in the pavilion of the Bi residence. The two of them were discussing many things, including the present, the future, before the return of the Son of Heaven, and after.

"Thank you for your advice. If it weren't for Sir Bi, I wouldn't have known that Great General Nangong was already on his way to the capital."

" You're too polite. " Sir Bi smiled and cupped his hands. " Eunuch, you've endured hardships and tried your best to hide beside such a person without a king or father. You've put in a lot of effort. When General Nangong enters the city, he will definitely invite you to the welcoming banquet. "

"Our family's status…"

"In such a difficult situation, the Head Chief has already died, and only Eunuch is still alive. This must be a great merit. We were able to succeed because of Eunuch's secret help."