46. I Don't Accept the Decree!

The next day, there was still some time before the new year.

The dogfight between Sir Bi and Eunuch Mei yesterday was a warning to the others, so no one dared to act rashly. They all curled up and withdrew their subordinates.

As a result, the rioters disappeared, and the streets of the Imperial City welcomed peace for the first time. There was less scolding and more mutual assistance. There was less chaos and more order.

After dawn, the snow started to fall again.

In the snow, a fast horse stepped through the south gate and entered the Imperial City.

The rider rushed into the palace with an imperial edict.

" Seventh Prince, Xia Ji, accept the edict! "

The voice rang out in the hall, but no one answered after a long time.

After a long while, a eunuch came over. " His Highness is at the edge of Huaqing Lake. Come with me. "