55. An Unexpected Ally

"Your Majesty, you owe me an explanation," Xia Ji said.

Tu Luo's blue pupils moved, and he suddenly asked, ""Shouldn't I have broken through the city?"


"What's that?"

Tu Luo was silent for a moment.

"It wouldn't be good if I said it," Xia Ji said.

" It seems that the messenger you sent is not simple, " Tu Luo said with a smile. " He heard some information, right? "

Xia Ji looked at her quietly.

" It's nothing, actually, " Tu Luo said generously. " It's just that I promised someone to sneak into the palace at the right time to meet you. "

" Who is he? " Xia Ji asked.

" Your Highness, ever since I entered Great Shang, I have had two allies. You are the second and he is the first. Speaking of which, you must know him. Not only do you know him, but you are also very familiar with him. He is not your enemy. "

"Who is it?"

"He is…"

Queen Guifang's voice grew softer and softer as she moved closer to her ear.