64. Bold Black Fox, Still Not Revealing

King of Black Fox walked into the shadow of the mountain in the morning light and stopped about a hundred feet away from Xia Ji. He bowed and smiled. "" Wild fox in the mountains, self-proclaimed killer. Greetings to Great Shang's Seventh Highness. "

She was polite, and her expression seemed charming, but she was actually distant. Her entire body was filled with coldness, which was hatred that was engraved in her bones.

Xiao Luo hurriedly shouted from behind Xia Ji, " Black Fox King, Seventh Highness is different from those Light Monks. He is a good person. "

Xia Ji was stunned.

A good person?

I was actually sent a good person card by a vixen?

"Why would Killer attack the Seventh Prince?" King Black Fox asked.

I'm only here to reason with them and move them with emotion."

She looked at the young prince charmingly and said, ""Demons can't be tolerated by humans.