81. You and I Are Both Caged Birds

Xia Ji walked under the moonlight of the ancient temple. The masters of the Great Light Temple were mostly cultivating in the Great Sun Hall. Although there were many monks of light from the Palace of All Life, none of them could discover him. After all, no one would have thought that someone would steal the scriptures instead of the mystic arts.

What was the use of stealing scriptures?

Xia Ji came and left silently.

Tomorrow, the monk of Great Light Temple would discover the missing scripture, but he would already be thousands of miles away.

After stepping into the wilderness, he raised his hand, and a huge shadow fell from the sky under the moonlight.

A golden eagle descended from the sky and crouched at his feet.

Who said that one had to take a carriage to go south?

He stepped onto the eagle and patted its wings.

The eagle immediately flapped its wings and flew up.

It was late at night.

Spring was chilly and the night wind was bone-piercing.