101. The Turks Came From the West

In the darkness, a palace was like a painting in the pitch-black world.

Two blurry figures sat opposite each other.

"He actually broke the trap."

"Oh? The boy from my Su family is so capable?"

"He killed Brahma, Sakra, and Yamo…He's already at the eleventh realm."

"What? Isn't it not time yet?"

After a long time.

"Could it be that the kid of my Su family is the reincarnation of some big shot?"

"It won't happen."

"Indeed not. However, this kid is really powerful. Why don't I set things right for him and let someone help him become the chosen one? Such a chosen one can definitely kill many, many people. That's really great."

"It's too late. Isn't the timeline for the next dynasty already set? She's already starting to grow. How can she change?"

"Oh ... Then we can only do this. We'll wait for the right time and think of a way to suppress him."