108. One Person, Sealed City (3/3)

Tao Rurui naturally had good eyesight, and he hurriedly rode his horse forward to ask,"May I know your name, sir?"

"Xia Ji."

Tao Rurui quickly dismounted and bowed respectfully."Greetings, King Shenwu."

Then, he hurriedly introduced himself, "

"My surname is Tao, and my name is Ru Rui. I traveled between the Central Plains and the Turks as a merchant. After that, I settled down in the Turks."

With that, Tao Rurui hurriedly turned around and began to babble to the Turks.

Everyone frowned. No one was willing to get off the horse. Ashli said a few more words loudly.

"King Shenwu, the leader of my diplomatic mission said that if we want them to dismount, I would like to ask King Shenwu to show us your abilities." Tao Rurui turned around and said.

Xia Ji swept his gaze across the Turks before him, then glanced at the unhappy general in the lead. He turned to Tao Rurui and said,"You go alone."