112. Second Identity

Wind Bull Horse: ???

Why did the saber become heavier when the speed increased?

Why was it that when the saber became heavier, everything would be attracted?

Xia Ji realized that if he wanted to explain this, he would have to explain the law of gravity and the theory of relativity first, and if he wanted to explain the law of gravity, he would have to tell him the story of an apple falling from a tree.

" Everything has its own way, " he said concisely. " The higher the mountain, the more the river. "

"Your Highness, are you saying that the path of the saber is speed?" Feng Niuma understood.

Xia Ji wanted to say, " No, because mass and energy are one and the same, increasing energy is increasing mass, and energy is proportional to speed. As long as the blade is fast enough, the mass will be large enough. Then, let's talk about gravity…"

However, he did not say anything. He just nodded and said,"The Great Dao is extremely simple, returning to its original state."