116. The World Is But A Lake View

The man smiled.

Xia Ji took out a similar jade pendant.

The man reached out and touched it. It was true. He nodded and said,"You and I might be from the same family."

Xia Ji was naturally puzzled.

The man did not mind. He had already prepared a clear jade porcelain plate. Then, he did not put on an act and directly circulated his Qi. A drop of blood seeped out of his finger and fell on the southernmost part of the jade porcelain plate. The blood condensed in the clear water and did not disperse. After it fell, it stopped moving.

The man made an inviting gesture. " You do it. "

Xia Ji had already experimented with it, so he wasn't flustered. His fingertips hung on the northernmost part of the jade porcelain plate.


When the blood dripped to the north, it also stopped moving.