Clouds and Fog Grow for Ten Thousand Miles

Xia Ji followed the patriarch out of the back door of the hall.

Behind them was a vast sea of fog.

  " Follow me closely, " the master said. " You can't wander around here. Otherwise, you will fall into the fog and be consigned to eternal damnation. "

"What's in the fog?" Xia Ji asked naturally.

"Void space fragments. These fragments are even more terrifying than space slits.

The space slits were so large that they could be seen from afar.

However, the void space hidden in the fog is impossible to guard against. There are no signs. Once touched, it will turn into nothingness."

The two of them walked one after the other.

The fog was very strange, and even Xia Ji could only see through one or two meters.

In this place, even an expert of the eleventh realm was no different from a mortal. The void space did not care what realm one was at. In any case, one would die if they encountered one.