150. Fire Calamity

Ten days later.

According to the plan,

Xia Ji, the Eldest Princess, Frost Monarch, and Ji Xuan left the manor.

Then, through the Su family's transit, they directly arrived outside the Wolf Sealing Pass in the north.

Firstly, it was to let the new ruler broaden his horizons. Secondly, he wanted to take advantage of the early stages of the Fire Tribulation and the deep winter to test the outer regions of the Fire Tribulation. Thirdly, he wanted to obtain some demon fire to break through to the eleventh realm.

Outside the pass.

There were thousands of peaks and tens of thousands of peaks, but there was no smoke or sunset. There was only a broken and lonely pass standing on the horizon, and only white snow covered countless bones.

The snow here was much heavier than in the south. The south was so cold and wet that it pierced through the bones. Here, it was so cold that it could freeze a person into an ice sculpture.
