153. About 500 Years Old, Magma Demon Dragon

The moonlight was strong on the Jasper Lake, and the beautiful women were dressing up. The young man's back was facing the beautiful scenery, and he was turning the barbecue from time to time. Two black and white knives were inserted on his left and right sides.

The smell of snow and fire came from the foreign land. Xia Ji felt that he needed a cup of wine, so he took out a jar and opened the seal. The wine mixed with the moonlight and flowed down his throat into his internal organs.

Cold wine is most afraid of drinking alone,

An Rongrong had changed into a new set of clothes. It was a red velvet shirt and deerskin boots. There was a red knife hanging from her waist that she had not used from the beginning to the end. She put her hands on Xia Ji's shoulders and hooked her arms around his neck. She gently rubbed her cheek against his hair.

Her hair fell and tangled together.

In the fragrance of women,

Starlight scattered,

The two of them were speechless.