159. Pure White World, Pure Black Demonic Shadow (6500 Words, Two Chapters in One)

From the moment he appeared…

Everything in the world seemed to have turned into ants.

A pure white world,

Pure black specter,

Coming from the west

This magical and unreal scene was soul-stirring. It was as if they had suddenly fallen into a nightmare and saw the great horror at the end of the dream that made people scream and wake up.

Many soldiers saw it too, be it those on the city walls or those below.

The morale that was burning in their bodies and the killing intent that only belonged to the battlefield suddenly disappeared.

He just opened his mouth and stared at the terrifying demon shadow.

It grew bigger and bigger in his sight…

The heads of the many black dragons that were a thousand feet long slowly approached with their wings wrapped in death.

The soldiers didn't run or do anything. They just watched because existences at this level left them with no other choice but to accept their impending fate.

"Oh my god."

"I ..."