The Situation Begins to Move Towards the unknown

The gold gathered on it,

The red color covered almost half of the genealogy.

As for the black, it was only on the bottom few lines…

However, the only name on the first line was black.

Needless to say, that name was Old Ancestor Su.

If the Su family really had an existence on the same level as him, then it could only be the Su family's ancestor.

So ...

From this deduction, Su Tian was the Su family's ancestor.

So fast, was he going to face the king directly?

However, this deduction brought a lot of problems.

The first problem was motive.

However, he could not estimate the motives of a monster that had lived for ten thousand years.

Just as she was thinking about it, Su Tian said, " What are you daydreaming about? Hurry up and change your clothes. I'll bring you around the Wu family's First Heaven. "

Xia Ji looked at the shadow of the sand dune and suddenly shook his head. ""I don't want to see it."

"Are you afraid?" Su Tian asked.