170. Was It a Success?

"Master, I ... Am I really going to be free?"

"The aristocratic families are willing to let us return to the human world?"

"How is this possible? How is that possible?"

"Wake me up. Am I dreaming?"

There were cries and laughter mixed with panic and uneasiness.

However, all the magic tools that could control the life and death of the servants in front of the manor had been removed.

The explosive dog collars on all the servants were gone.

In addition, everyone received a certain amount of compensation, which was the "Divine Marrow Pill" specially made by the aristocratic families. This pill could cleanse the human body's aptitude and greatly increase it.

Before leaving, all the servants could enter a library in the First Heaven of the aristocratic family and choose a cultivation technique to take away.

However, no servant dared to enter the library. Everyone stood outside the library, afraid that it was a trap.