179. Five Elements

The Daoist Repository of the Golden Jade Lane had nine floors. It was indeed worthy of being the largest collection of books on the entire Fangzhang Island.

Xia Ji arrived at the library.

A man in white with a calm temperament stopped him.

"Shidi, you just joined the workshop, right? Do you have a tile?"

Xia Ji took out the token that Xu Guzi had given him.

The man looked at it and nodded." I am Qing Fengzi, a subordinate of the Cult Master of Taiping. Please follow me to record your naturalization. "

Xia Ji understood that this was similar to a trip to the HR Department, so he said, ""I'm Ji Qi. Thank you for your trouble."

He changed his name to his surname and named himself after the Seventh Prince, so it was not strange.

Qing Fengzi put his fingers together, and a silver ball of liquid metal flew out.
