182. To the Pill Palace Again

Of course, he could completely give up his human identity and exist in the world by transforming into the Black Emperor. However, he would not be able to cultivate or improve from then on. If he did not advance, he would fall back. Everyone else was getting stronger, but he remained the same. The outcome would definitely be bad.

He turned his head to the north, where the Mysterious Heaven Temple was located.

The Xuantian Temple was said to be the place where ancient Zhenren received the talisman in order to become a Celestial Immortal. The talisman was still there, but it could not be opened. This made Xia Ji think of the deities that the Su family could not invite and the five existences that could be sealed in the Five-colored Divine Token. The principles of these things seemed to be very similar.

The Five-Colored Divine Token was his private possession.

The gods of the clan existed because of the genealogy.