Chapter 213: Imagination of the World

Xia Ji left the Heavenly Sun Mountain.

He didn't look for Houtu again because she had already found him.

Concubine Wu was wearing the Houtu mask, but it was obviously impossible for her to recognize Feng Nanbei as her former Seventh Imperial Brother.

Now, she questioned coldly, "" I am the Hidden Lord, yet you destroyed the Blood Rain Hall under me. The 22 forces led by the Twelve Forms of the Hidden Blade…"

"My disciple has the Su family token. Didn't you see it?" Xia Ji interrupted her. Or did your subordinate not give it to you?"

"I didn't know," Wu Ji argued.

Xia Ji said, " Knowing the truth and not reporting it? Such subordinates deserve to die. Aren't you going to thank me for killing them for you? "

"You!" Wu Ji's face immediately filled with anger. Feng Nanbei!"

Xia Ji snorted and walked past her. ""Take care of your people."

Concubine Wu suddenly stopped being angry. She was quiet for a moment and said gently,"Wait a minute."

Xia Ji paused.