221. Strange Phenomena in the Northern Region, Winds and Clouds in the South

The weather was getting more and more abnormal.

Spring had passed, and summer was approaching. Xia Ji was reading a book quietly.

Suddenly, he felt something. He looked up and saw heavy snow on the lake.

Looking at the distant sky, there were faint flashes of lightning and thunder.

The thunderbolt produced an unprecedented loud sound, scaring the entire land into silence. Then, it was as if the world-destroying thunderbolt had woven into a net, falling from the sky and enveloping the land for millions of miles.

Xia Ji looked at the red-tailed fish swimming restlessly by the lake and said gently, ""Don't be afraid."

Now, he had already dabbled in nearly 20,000 techniques.

Ten thousand techniques could grind an elephant, and now he wanted to grind a second elephant.

However, he suddenly had a sudden impulse. He placed the book in front of his knees and looked up at the sky.

Snow fell in July, and thunder covered the sky.