221. Strange Phenomena in the Northern Region, Winds and Clouds in the South

However, the next spring, the Verdant King would become cruel and tyrannical. This was the time for heroes to rise up together, and Ji Xuan was one of them. However, with the five great aristocratic families, the Imperial Teacher, the Imperial Advisor, and the Hidden Lord, General Wenshou, assisting him, it was impossible for Ji Xuan to lose.

Ji Xuan would spend a year to kill the Green King, then spend another three years to consolidate the south. After another year, he would directly declare himself emperor and raise his army to the north to fight against the second whetstone in the north, the original Third Prince of Great Shang, Xia Xian.

The script was already written.

" Understood, " Xia Ji said, and the two disciples of the Su family went back. After all, the spiritual energy in the aristocratic family was abundant, and they could live for 300 years. Every minute they breathed outside would shorten their lifespan by two minutes.