225. One Fierce Battle, Two Massacres

Lu Miaomiao hugged the warm tea, the white veil in front of her swaying.

"Uncle, what are you doing here?" she asked casually.

Xia Ji sized up the girl. He could not feel any power from her, which meant that she was most likely an ordinary person. He said casually, ""Climbing high to watch the snow."

"Oh ~~" Lu Miaomiao followed his gaze and looked outside the railing.

The snow is getting wild,

However, the competition that they had agreed on had yet to come.

Lu Miaomiao looked left and right. She could only see the river flowing east downstairs, but there was no one on the fighting ring. Her eyes revealed disappointment.

However, Xia Ji, who was opposite her, had a calm expression on his face. His black hair and white hair fell behind him, and there was an indescribable aura flowing in his eyes. She had never seen such an aura in this world again.