228. Feng Nanbei VS Su Yu

Xia Ji looked at Su Yu. If he was only confused about the fact that Su Yu was still alive, after the secret battle just now, he was sure that Su Yu was the Wu family's ancestor.

He looked at Su Yu's hand,

Every moment, a thought flashed through his mind.

The information came from Su Tian, his own thoughts, and the battle with the Wu family's ancestor for almost a day and a night in the Tribulation Land.

The information was weaving into new thoughts that flashed through his mind.

What kind of person was the Wu family's ancestor?

In layman's terms, he was a person who would become stronger as he progressed. This was because he had cultivated from a land of peril. In the later stages, he could directly let his world descend into the human world. He could even pull his enemies into his world and completely overturn the situation.

In other words, this was not the time for him to be strong.