237. The Spirit in the Deep Winter

"Return the book?"

Bei Yuzi didn't even have time to react.

By the time her reflex arc received the message and her nerves lifted her stupid head, the person in front of her had already disappeared.

There was only a small mountain of ancient books.

Bei Yuzi learned from her mistakes. This time, she didn't order any books, but rushed out of the library and shouted," The book thief is here again!!! "

The voice rolled away.

Not long after, a few powerful figures rushed over.

Bei Yuzi explained the situation to the officers of the True Martial Pavilion.

The officers glanced at the ancient book on the table and immediately split up.

They went all the way to catch that thief.

There was also a group of people who stayed here to count the books.

The real person flipped through the book according to the missing list.

The more he flipped, the stranger his expression became…

Gradually, the strangeness turned serious.