245. The Sage of the Present Age

This was the third chapter after [World Energy] and [World Image]. Regardless of the faction or power, everyone went to copy the [Green Bag Book].

The books written by the Headmaster must be the best of the best.

On the first page of the 'Green Bag Book', there was a small oath:

Anyone who opened this book had to swear in their hearts:First, believers should not deliberately hide their secrets ...

These were the three points that Xia Ji and Hua Que had mentioned.



A year passed.

Two years passed.

The fierce battle between the north and south did not stop for a moment.

However, the people seemed to be starting to get tired of this battle.

Even Lu Miaomiao was no longer a young girl. She was already 23 years old.

In this war, the name of the Headmaster spread throughout the north and south.

Enlighten the world, teach medicine, teach Tao, this is the teacher of the world.

He was a role model for the world.