249. The Common People Owe You Ten Years of Life

"Brother Guan, Miss Guan, long time no see."

"Dragon Elephant Lord, Tang Hong, and the three little friends ~ So cute ~ Hehehe…"

"Alright, Guan Chun, you're already an adult."

"But I look young."

Long Xiang, what are you looking at? " Tang Hong suddenly roared.

Long Xiangjun was stunned. He was in a daze, but when he heard his wife's shout, he realized that he was looking at Guan Chun's long legs.

He widened his eyes and hurriedly turned his head to the side. " Tang Hong, I didn't look. "

"You're still talking back!"

Tang Hong ran over and hit the Elephant Lord's arm.

The Dragon Elephant Lord did not resist and just chuckled.

Guan Chun knew what kind of person this big guy in front of him was. He knew that he didn't mean it, so he smiled and didn't say anything.

The man beside her had a strong physique and a determined expression.

The man walked to the top of the cliff and sighed, "