272. Meeting Su Yueqing Again at the End of the Bloody Wedding Banquet

In the twilight of the late winter, the luxurious convoy passed through the official road. The line was like a long snake, winding for more than ten miles.

Two teams of black-armored elite cavalry opened up a path in front, and cavalry guards holding huge shields protected them on both sides. They were like layers of mountains, guarding the center.

There was no gold, silver, or jewelry in the center, nor was there any treasure.

It was just a magnificent four-horse carriage.

With so many guards accompanying him, even the emperor would only be able to travel at this standard.

The carriage was extremely spacious, and the interior was already a unique room.

On the bed in the room was a beauty who had not woken up from her winter sleep.

The sound of wheels mixed with the sound of wind and hooves came through the window.

but the beauty's eyes are drowsy.