275. This exploration method, it shouldn't be that bad, right?

Wind-on-Snow thought for a moment and decided to run to the mast. She would stand in the sea breeze and draw her sword 10,000 times before going to bed to calm down.

Hence, he shook off Xia Ji, ran up the mast, and began to draw his saber.

Xia Ji was speechless.



The north had always been a place devoid of spiritual energy.

The further north he went, the weirder the spiritual energy became.

After crossing a certain boundary, not only did the silent spiritual energy not recover, but it also became chaotic.

It was like a clear circle.

The Central Plains was at the core, and the spiritual energy was the best.

The Northlands was located in the outer regions, and the spiritual energy there was poor.

Beyond that, the spiritual energy was in chaos.

In short, it would be a miracle if you didn't go berserk while cultivating here. How could you expect to improve?

Xia Ji's ship had already reached this point in three months.