Over a Hundred Years, Four Omen

This strength was comparable to an ant.

Using the power of the realm could be compared to unleashing a person's potential.

Hence, people invented firearms.

Then, even if the physique of a person holding a firearm was the same as that of a bare-handed person, their combat strength was not on the same level.

Perhaps firearms were not enough.

They created the Gundam, the antimatter annihilation cannon, and the artificial world.

In that case, were the people carrying the equipment and the unarmed people still on the same level?

As for Dharma Idols, they could be compared to stones.

The power of an ant throwing a stone was naturally different from that of a human throwing a stone. However, this was not an improvement of the stone. It was still the crudest and most primitive use of power.

In this world, you could increase your realm, but even if you reached the peak of your realm, there were no manuals that taught you how to use the power of your realm.