5. Slaying Gods

In the human world.

On the continent.

In the temple.

In the depths.

Wherever he went, all the priests knelt down and kowtowed.

The person who walked past was a petite girl with crystal clear skin. She was 1.5 meters tall and her long hair reached her ankles. The ends of her hair gently brushed against her ice-carved jade heels.

The girl was not a real girl, be it her experience or age.

Her name was Xia Xiaosu.

She was born more than a thousand years ago and was now the Pope of Doomsday of the Church of Death.

The Church of Death was born out of the Church of Wolves, Snakes, and Death. Contrary to its name, this church was not evil, but only made people revere death. The Pope of Doomsday would not bring about the end of the world, but only to show off her power.

At the same time, the Pope of Doomsday was just a title. The word " Doomsday " was a compliment to her power.