14. The Mysterious Commander of the Imperial Palace

" Since the battle, there should be a lot of information about power that should be self-evident. "

" After the nine states, each state requires a special item to advance, advance, and reach the peak. "

" The Transcendence Realm requires Xuan cultivation. "

" The 11th level of the Dharmakaya realm requires the cultivation of the Essence, Spirit, and Qi to the 9th level, as well as the fire seed, as well as day and night cultivation by the fire seed. "

"I'm still not sure what the twelve levels of the Divine Power Realm requires…"

"The quantitative change, the comprehension that belongs to oneself, and the existence of certain other conditions can only barely break through to the next realm, but they can't advance further.

This is also the reason why I was able to advance to the eleventh realm without the fire seed, and the twelfth realm without the necessary divine power. However, after that, I was unable to advance by half a step."

