18. The Wind and Snow Mountain River Road, Alone to the Wan Jian House

Late winter, New Year.

The Five Sects of Green Peak did not agree to the Wan Jian House's request, and both sides had already agreed to fight. In the end, the sect that protected the Qi Kingdom discovered that even after developing for 200 years, it was still far inferior to the Wan Jian House. It lost all three battles.

Immediately after, the Crown Prince held the jade seal in his hand and rode a thousand-li horse to the Wan Jian House to pay his respects to the sect master.

It had been more than a month since he left.

The capital's New Year was decorated with lanterns and streamers. Firecrackers rang out and fireworks bloomed. Children played and chased each other. Everyone changed into new clothes and walked on the streets.

Xia Ji was fifteen years old.

He had completely adapted to the way he lived as a human. Moreover, his strength had become stronger and stronger over the years, and he had become more and more determined in his heart.