20. Be at ease with the situation, defeat the enemy without a trace

This way, she could chase after him openly.

As the saying goes, men chasing women are separated by mountains, and women chasing men are separated by gauze. How good would it be if she became a Dao partner with such a prince?

Mysterious, powerful, gentle, dustless, as if he would never get angry…

Although he was a mortal, he was like a real immortal in the heavens, not just an immortal who had broken the lifespan of mortals.

But soon, someone remembered that the prince had stayed behind because he was waiting.

He was waiting for a decisive battle.

He was waiting for the awakening of the most terrifying demon lord in the depths of the forbidden land, who had left a shadow and blood in history.

Therefore, many disciples looked at the prince with pity.

No matter how strong he was, he was no match for the Demon Venerable.

The terror of the Demon Lord was like a nightmare imprinted in everyone's hearts.