25. Education Without Class, Two Ministers, One Emperor, and One Empress

Dai Meng was stunned.

She had never been spoken to like this before. The Dai family was afraid of her not because they knew her secret, but because they thought she was a jinx.

The people in the sect hated her not because they knew her secret, but because they thought she was stupid.

No one had ever treated her like this before.

Mengmeng lowered her head, a strand of bangs falling from her forehead. She was silent. When the small wontons were served, she lowered her head and ate them continuously. As she ate, tears dripped down.

"What's wrong?" Xia Ji asked.

"It's really delicious," Mengmeng said.

"Boss, another bowl of small wontons," Xia Ji said.

Mengmeng was stunned.

"How about getting fat with me?" Xia Ji smiled.

"Ah ~ There's such a strange rule?"

"Not bad."

Meng Meng's eyes lit up, less gloomy and more spirited. She replied softly, ""Alright then."

Her heart felt stifled.