33. Goldfinger leveled up, let's build a snowman

Xia Ji Yufeng left the Myriad Sword Sect.

Little Su needed to rest, so he didn't bring her.

Meng Meng seemed to get along well with the Wan Jian House, so she didn't follow them.

Moreover, this was Xia Ji's matter, so it wasn't appropriate to bring someone else along.

There was no sixty-year cycle in the mountains, and the days passed without knowing the years. A cultivator would cultivate for fifty-five years, but who knew that the human world had already experienced life and death.

He first went to the Defender King's Mansion, but the servants in the mansion said that the old lady was not there.

Then, he went to the Hua family and sensed that Hua Xiaochan was among them.

Hence, he stood in front of the Hua family's residence and asked the guards to pass on the message, " I wish to see Hua Xiaochan. "