42. Is the Divine Court Enough for Me to Kill Alone?

Don't say ...

Some of these people really thought so.

Xia Ji glanced at the vast sea of heads at the foot of the mountain. There were cultivators, but most of them were elites among mortals who had yet to break free from the lifespan of mortals. He had just killed a million, but there were still many more here.

"Someone go and disperse them," he said.

"What do you want, sir?" asked an oracle.

"What do I want?" Xia Ji asked.

He suddenly laughed maniacally. " Look at this world. I should be the one asking you what you want, right? Have your consciences been eaten by dogs? Are mortals not humans?"

Some of them frowned, and some of them showed an instinctive look of disdain.

Mortals were humans, and this was just what they said on the surface.

Who took it seriously?

Just as their expressions revealed themselves, they saw the man in the distance who was surrounded by black gas "sway".

Yes, he swayed, as if his body had blurred on the spot.