49. Yang God Sect! Madam Xue Joins the Team

"I'm not your senior brother."

"Then…" Madam Xue was shocked. " Are you my senior sister? "

Xia Ji laughed. " Not really. "

Madam Xue fell silent. She was no longer a child. She would not say everything that she should not say.

" I still remember the first time I saw you, " Xia Ji said. " You twisted your ankle, but you gritted your teeth and followed the team. I remember it was raining heavily that day. "

Madam Xue was speechless.

" There was once when I returned to Mirror Lake, " Xia Ji said. " You nimbly used the Ten Lifeless Styles to defeat Du Bai. You were still ranked ninth. Ten years later, you were ranked eighth.

You took the scriptures I wrote to other cities to preach. You went twice. The first time, you were chased by the righteous and evil paths. However, the pursuit suddenly stopped because I attacked.

When you refused to leave, I told you that you should have your own life."

Madam Xue was speechless.