51. The Great Plan to Expedition to Yunzhou in the West

The wet rain flowed down her neck and into her clothes. When the wind blew, it became even colder.

She looked down at the weak water below her feet.

In these few months, she already knew that the man might really be dead…

Because there was no more news of him in the north.

Who was he?

This is Qi Yu.

He was still her brother.

Little Su shouted into the wind.

"Ah ~~~~"

No matter what, she felt that there was no need for her life to continue, so she wanted to cross this sea. She wanted to walk this path alone. If she died, so be it.

No matter what, she couldn't continue living. If she continued like this, she would only become more and more demented until she died a humble and ugly death.

Little Su took out a dagger from her bosom and walked down the cliff by the sea. The weak water could not carry anything, so she went around from the side.

If others didn't help her, then she would do it alone.