53. Like a flock of ducks, rushing to die

When the little spider queen heard the commotion, she turned her head to the side and looked at the ground. She exclaimed,"Aiya, why did it break…Why are you so weak?"

Immediately, she revealed an unhappy expression, as if she had been wronged.

She felt wronged as to why she had accidentally broken this beautiful jade.

Ji Ningxiang felt her anger rising, but before she could say anything, Xia Ji waved his hand and said, ""You may leave."

Then, he looked at the divine envoy and said,"The people of the Ji family should follow the arrangements I just said. In the future, don't let people send these messy things and make my beloved consort unhappy."

How many times have I told you? Those who are devout to God can be rewarded.

As for how pious you are, you can decide for yourself. There are many people going to the west this time. After going to the west, you will be given as much land as you conquer, along with the people on the ground.