54. Slaughtering 36 Million, White Shadow Ancestor Goes to Yanzhou

The summer pole stirred the Sea Calming Pearl.

The Sea Calming Pearl stirred up a tsunami.

The tsunami brought the sea demons.

The sea demons fought against the 36 million people of the Divine Court.

Tens of thousands of ships cried out in alarm.

Looking out through the thick glass window, one could see colorful energy explosions everywhere. Flying swords soared into the sky, and all kinds of spiritual artifacts lit up the night sky.



Chu Jieye was one of the Remnants.

As the Son of God, he was naturally a transmigrator.

Although his golden finger was a common golden finger on the interface, its function was to obtain points by absorbing death energy, and then use the points to exchange for strength.

This ability was invincible to a certain extent, but under his deliberate concealment, the other Remnants and Master Gods did not know about his bug-like ability.