58. If Buddha Is Famous, How Much Is It Worth?

It was Xia Ji's Dao.

It was also his karma of good and evil.

It was also karma.

When spring arrived, Zhuzi Qi and Mother Qi were both pregnant.

Qi Zhuzi was still alright, laying dozens of eggs at a time.

Mother Qi was amazing. She laid thousands of eggs at once.

Fortunately, this saha tree reached the clouds and was extremely tall. Moreover, it could even form a forest of single trees, almost like an independent forest world. This was why many creatures existed on it and built their nests on it.

Xia Ji didn't stop lecturing. As he lectured, his strength increased rapidly, and the fusion of various " skills " became more and more harmonious.

Observing heaven and earth can obtain skill beads, educating people can inherit karma, preaching can achieve enlightenment.

Every day, his strength was growing rapidly.



There were two sides to the story.