60. The Invaded Universe, the Truth of the World

The Empress had attacked all the way, while Xia Ji had gained a lot from the enlightenment.

However, the nine Overgods of the Divine Court had yet to appear.

In the beginning, they didn't care about the riots, but later on, something else happened.

This was an alliance.

It was a tacit agreement.

At this moment.

At the core of the Divine Court, in a very remote area.

In a black hall, several figures were sitting upright. Soon, a rustling sound came from outside the hall, like a tide.

The tide came from afar and hit the stone steps. Then, it spread out like a black curtain.

Upon closer inspection, the curtain was definitely not flat. There were many corpses on it, as well as faces that were wailing but did not make a sound.

After the black curtain touched a bench, it was like a group of twisted black snakes. It spiraled up along the bench until it filled the entire bench. Then, it took shape and formed the outline of a black human figure.