Two Overgods? Killing Them in Less Than a Second!

In an instant, the boundless saber shadow of a bloodthirsty saber, accompanied by a blood-red light that resembled a raging tide, followed Xia Ji's slash and descended upon the blue-robed Overgod!

The black-robed Overgod was shocked to discover that this strike was even more powerful than the one he had just struck out with. Clearly, it had been infused with the power of the attacker himself.

What kind of power was this?

The blue-robed Overgod was puzzled, but he still hurriedly raised his hand to block. The black membrane covered him. For him to be able to react in less than a second was already quite impressive.

On the other side, the yellow-robed Overgod who specialized in defense was currently flying over. However, he was currently facing the same problem as Little Su…

In front of this kind of high-speed combat type opponent, he was like a snail.

He simply couldn't make it in time.


In the next instant.