64.[Intense battle! Destroy the number one Supreme God!]

When he had taken over the entire Yanzhou, his power had already been the number one among the nine Overgods. After he had taken over Weizhou, his power had become even more unfathomable.

The red-robed woman walked up to him with her bow in hand. She carefully glanced at the black-robed man who was smiling and sitting calmly at the side.

Upon closer inspection, the black robes were flowing black tides, and they looked like wings.

This was the other enemy who had allied with them, Qiong Qi.

The woman in red couldn't help but shiver.

When Chu Baihe saw the woman in red, he said calmly, ""Sister Nine, where are the others?"

The woman in red said,"They're all dead…" Ya Zi was shot thousands of miles away by me, and he seems to be dead."

Chu Baihe's expression turned cold as he said sternly, ""That b * tch again? If he had known this would happen, he would not have held back back. He would have killed her directly instead of letting her escape in the battle.