65. This Jade Pendant Is For You

  Qiong Qi had long felt that swallowing these God Lords would make him stronger. Now that he could feel the digestion in his body, he felt extremely comfortable.

It was indeed not bad.

But he needed time to digest it.

As a result, he didn't chase after Xia Ji and Bai Zhu.

Even though Xia Ji had slowed down to wait for him, he did not come. Instead, he slowly disappeared into the depths of the city and then disappeared again.

Bai Zhu turned to look at Xia Ji, and Xia Ji looked back at him. Both of them looked unhappy, as they realized that Qiongqi could digest the Taoist Connotation. Otherwise, they couldn't explain why such an existence didn't chase after them.

And these two people also knew about Dao Connotation.

Xia Ji didn't leave immediately. He held the white candle in his left hand as he moved through the busy streets. The mortals on the streets seemed to have realized what had happened, and they were all trembling and didn't dare to move.