85. Riding a Dragon, Swimming in the Sea, and Calming the Heavens and Earth

Thus, when Xia Ji walked into the dark sword tomb, he realized that there was no danger at all.

He walked in circles and explored the surroundings. The terrifying fairies ran away as if they were playing a game of " mouse hiding from cat. "


Xia Ji heard the sound and turned his head. The dim light of the water lantern shone on a small demon with a sword head. The small demon had accidentally thrown it out, and behind it were many sword demons hiding behind a giant monument. It had been squeezed out.

The sword demon screamed and ran back, but there were too many sword demons here, so it was squeezed out again.

Xia Ji turned to look at it and said gently, ""Don't be afraid."

If the Dragon Kings saw this scene, they would probably be completely speechless.

These sword demons were the greatest terror in the restrictions…

The cultivators who came to explore all avoided them.

Someone actually told them not to be afraid?