94. The Dust Settles, the Sage Is Nameless

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Xia Ji grabbed Tao Wu with his left hand and the little tree demon with his right. As he stepped forward, the ground seemed to shrink.

Although he couldn't do what Su Tianlong could do,

However, he was still extremely fast.

In less than a day, he arrived at the temple of the Church of Death's headquarters.

As soon as he arrived at the door, his expression changed because all he saw were vengeful spirit cultivators.

Unknowingly, these monks had already taken over the Church of Death?

This was really a dog…

When the vengeful spirit cultivators saw him and Taowu, they were filled with respect.

Both parties exchanged glances and understood that they were on the same side.

It was because of Xia Ji's identity that they did not disturb Miao Miao and Madam Xue, even though they had secretly occupied the Divine Hall and covered the eyes and ears of some of the high-ranking officers.

After all, he was their boss.